Happier. Healthier. Faster. Stronger.

Featuring the SIDmill:
The world's first smart, immersive, and dynamic treadmill

About Us


The extended reality SIDmill is the most innovative and valuable new running equipment since the stopwatch. It precisely replicates any terrain, from the NYC Marathon to the Great Wall of China. The super-smooth belt shifts instantly from uphill to down, conforming to the road or trail that you choose.

No push-button controls: your speed and the scene on the large immersive screen change in response to hand gestures. Your unique run can be complemented by strength and flexibility training with our certified instructors.


Motion capturing camera allows for
hands-free speed adjustments


An 85-inch display feat. virtual and real world terrains so you can run on the moon, or run the exact NYC marathon course


Automatic incline and decline adjustments based on the terrain

Group Classes, Open Gym, & More

Group classes include immersive walking, jogging, and running as well as strength training

Our Team

Memberships & Packages


Class Schedule